
Acquisition Strategy

Acquisition Analysis & Development

SI can install visioning, future planning, and scheduling capabilities that a serial number capture system and serialized configuration management will enable. SI can bring this foresight into application today by applying and enabling software, analytics, and interfacing of Air Force systems to support that vision now.

We focus on best practices for metrics development and reporting by using our experience in material management, production processes, retail supply procedures and data systems. We have a proven methodology for the presentation of findings and recommendations from historical spend analysis/development to assist our customers in making the best and most economical decisions.

Acquisition Experts

We offer knowledge and experience in wholesale and resale supply policies and procedures. Our Supply Chain Management Team has extensive knowledge and experience with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and other acquisition policies. We provide expert support in data collection and interpretation, benchmarking, and industry studies.

SI architected and implemented the Master Production Scheduling (MPS) process and the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process at Ogden Air Logistics Complex. SI, over the past 17 years, has developed an intimate understanding of the differences between a manufacturing environment and an MRO environment, especially as it pertains to material supportability and procuring assets for these processes. One of the benefits of implementing software within OO-ALC depot maintenance is in enabling the capture and storage of serial numbers and serial configurations of the individual serialized assemblies as they are repaired.

Planning for the Future

This historical information is very beneficial in planning and scheduling maintenance and repair of the individual serialized asset in the future. For example, many assets have a life-limit of the number of times that they can ultimately be overhauled. Knowing the historical number of times that asset has been repaired or overhauled previously allows depot maintenance to better work scope what repair/overhaul should take place as the asset visits the depot maintenance facility again.

This information will also be very beneficial in determining buy vs. repair forecasts going into the future. Knowing which serialized assets are reaching their end-of-life number of overhauls, will better predict the number of assets that will be condemned the next time they visit the repair facility. For example, if a certain landing gear has an engineering dictated life limit of 5 repairs, and the historical condemnation average is 10%; planning would expect to recover 90% of the assets through the maintenance/overhaul process. But if 100% of those landing gear have already gone through depot maintenance four times; the condemnation percent should be planned at 100% until all are replaced by buying new landing gear.

Acquisition Analysis & Development

SI can install visioning future planning and scheduling capabilities that serial number capture and serialized configuration management will enable. SI can bring this future vision into application today by applying and enabling software, analytics and interfacing of Air Force systems to support that vision now.

We focus on best practices for metrics development and reporting by using our experience in material management, production processes, retail supply procedures and data systems. We have a proven methodology for the presentation of findings and recommendations from historical spend analysis/development to assist our customers in making the best and most economical decisions.

Acquisition Experts

We offer knowledge and experience in wholesale and resale supply policies and procedures. Our Supply Chain Management Team has extensive knowledge and experience with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and other acquisition policies. We provide expert support in data collection and interpretation, benchmarking, and industry studies.

SI architected and implemented the Master Production Scheduling (MPS) process and the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process at Ogden Air Logistics Complex. SI, over the past 17 years, has developed an intimate understanding of the differences between a manufacturing environment and an MRO environment, especially as it pertains to material supportability and procuring assets for these processes. One of the benefits of implementing software within OO-ALC depot maintenance is in enabling the capture and storage of serial numbers and serial configurations of the individual serialized assemblies as they are repaired.

Planning for the Future

This historical information is very beneficial in planning and scheduling maintenance and repair of the individual serialized asset in the future. For example, many assets have a life-limit of the number of times that they can ultimately be overhauled. Knowing the historical number of times that asset has been repaired or overhauled previously allows depot maintenance to better work scope what repair/overhaul should take place as the asset visits the depot maintenance facility again.

This information will also be very beneficial in determining buy vs. repair forecasts going into the future. Knowing which serialized assets are reaching their end-of-life number of overhauls, will better predict the number of assets that will be condemned the next time they visit the repair facility. For example, if a certain landing gear has an engineering dictated life limit of 5 repairs, and the historical condemnation average is 10%; planning would expect to recover 90% of the assets through the maintenance/overhaul process. But if 100 percent of those landing gear have already gone through depot maintenance four times; the condemnation percent should be planned at 100% until all are replaced by buying new landing gear.

Right Product

Right Price

Right Place

Right Time